“DREAM’s safe100 reoperation considers 10 years later, 20 years later, presbyopia and even cataract. Your satisfaction is our no.1 priority.”

“Dream Eye Center means comfort, care and reliability to me. They are very thorough about the examination and everything after. It’s a quick operation and your comfort is their #1 concern.”
— Selene
100% satisfaction after Re-operation.
Dream Safe 100 (Safe 100 RE-operation Clinic)
Re-operation clinic is for those who received not accurate surgery or regressed. If you are nervous about second surgery but not want to wear glasses again, Re-operation Clinic will take you walk through accurate examination and safe surgery. It is 1:1 customized process considering personal needs and working environment for satisfying result.
We discover what is causing discomfort and perform a safe surgery with presbyopia and cataract in mind.
refraction I, refraction check II, naked vision test

Cannot avoid aging. It is same as eyes. To satisfy 100 %, Dream will consider your eye aging after 10 years and 20 years. Re-operation is different than first surgery. If first surgery was lasik, flap thickness and remain cornea thickness is very important for safe surgery. Even though you don’t have your first surgery data, Dream can accurately exam with special equipment. For accurate and safe surgery, DREAM analyzes the cornea in 4 dimension system and over 30 thorough comprehensive examination. We can assurance safety even without previous surgery data.

14th fl. Mijin Plaza, Gangnam Daero 390
Gangnamgu, Seoul
South Korea. 06232
webmaster@hellolasik.com \\ Tel: 82-2- 1588-9881
Opening Hours
Monday – Wednesday 09:30 – 18:30
Thursday - Closed
Friday 09:30 - 20:00
Saturday 09:30 – 16:00
Sunday - Only by appointment
Lunch Time 13:00 - 14:00